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#BizTrends2017: The trends that will affect all business
[dave nemeth] Trend forecaster and design thinker, Dave Nemeth, lists the smörgåsbord of trends that will have an effect on almost all business... read
#BizTrends2017: Investment in youth, emerging farmers to develop the industry
#BizTrends2017: Investment in youth, emerging farmers to develop the industry

Cari Coetzee

2017 lies ahead of us and, like every year, there are some factors that will particularly influence the development of the agriculture industry... read
#BizTrends2017: A look at the affordable housing space
#BizTrends2017: A look at the affordable housing space

Karen Petersen

There remains a huge interest and demand in affordable housing in South Africa... read
#BizTrends2017: Top five decor trends
#BizTrends2017: Top five decor trends

Dave Nemeth

In this fast-paced, technologically driven world, contrasting trends are emerging which either embrace or provide reprieve from hi-tech developments. Visionary trend forecaster Dave Nemeth has partnered with Hansgrohe to identify the top five deco themes for 2017. read
Expect slowing property price growth in 2017, with a few exceptions
Expect slowing property price growth in 2017, with a few exceptions

Bruce Swain

The residential property market has had its ups and downs during 2016 as the economy stagnates, the Reserve Bank started hiking interest rates again and consumers struggle with household debt-to-income... read
Plunge in new vehicle sales continues
Plunge in new vehicle sales continues
New vehicle sales continued its fall in December, according to the latest sales figures from the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa... read
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