NGO donates over 4,000 masks to help those on Covid-19 frontline

South African NGO Smile Foundation has donated 4,000 N95 masks and 300 imported masks with 'germ trap' technology to medical workers on South Africa's Covid-19 frontline. According to Smile Foundation CEO Hedley Lewis, these essential masks, valued at over R370,000, will be distributed to seven national hospitals.
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“Smile Foundation responded hurriedly during this crucial time. We are beyond appreciative for the work being done by SA’s frontline workers, and we hope we can make a significant difference by providing masks that will help to protect and support them as they continue to put themselves on the line.”

Virustatic Shields

The Virustatic Shields, sponsored by the Lubner Family Foundation, have been specially imported from Manchester in the UK and are said to neutralise viruses upon contact.

“The mask neutralises the virus droplets by making it think that it has been “absorbed” into the lungs and is killed as it touches the protein base on the masks. It is lightweight, reusable and washable, and moulds to the face, so medical workers can wear it comfortably for hours at a time,” comments Hedley.

Through various fundraising campaigns, Smile Foundation have also yielded:

  • Medical gloves

  • Theatre scrubs

  • Cleft bottles

  • Infrared thermometer guns

  • Theatre shields

  • Sanitisers

  • Psychological Support

“We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible support received from donors across South Africa. These efforts serve as proof that no matter how small or big the amount, it all can make a huge impact. Finally, we want to thank every single medical worker who is working so hard to support South Africa during the fight against this devastating pandemic,” concludes Hedley.

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