Time for the next step in this virtual journey

Virtual events are no longer the 'new' normal - the time to adapt and shift into the virtual space has come and passed as the world has dealt with Covid-19 and all that it brought with it, delivering us into a time where virtual, or at least hybrid, is now our normal. It's a part of our lives as event organisers and marketers, and the passport to a whole new service offering for our clients. It's an exciting time!
Time for the next step in this virtual journey

Just last week, South Africa ushered in Level 1 of our national lockdown - a source of great celebration in our industry as it sees the early beginnings of the return of in-person events and what we, in our 16th year of business in the events industry, used to see as normal. We can’t wait to get back in a venue either, but we think it also provides the opportunity to discuss the advent of yet another new normal as we inch closer to a post-Covid phase and begin to lift our heads to look at what the future may hold.

Worx Group is proud to have spent a large part of the last five months delivering a range of virtual events for a series of clients who were quick, brave and passionate about embracing ways to stay in front of their clients, staff and the greater public. These clients saw that it’s always important to embrace the challenge, and joined us as we stepped onto the ‘green screen’ and began our journey of striving to be the best virtual events business we could be and, in turn, help our clients and partners to be the best they could be in this time, too.

Here’s a sneak peek into the exciting things we’ve been up to:

It’s doubtful that there has ever been a time in human history that has seen as many educated, skilled and experienced people all simultaneously forced into learning a new skill, as worldwide we all learnt what digital could actually be. Sure, it was challenging (and at times frustrating), but think about what you can do now that you couldn’t do in March, and most of us are doing it from home, too. It’s been a defining moment in global business, and it has certainly been one for Worx Group.

In our opinion, virtual is not going away. Too many have now seen its value. Now, the next step is to grab the opportunity to plug this value into in-person events as we all rush out to see each other again. The future looks bright and at Worx Group, we’re excited to continue to blaze the trail and push ourselves to be the best we can be.

Virtual has brought an extra skill into our shop – opportunity really is everywhere, and that’s especially true for the digital landscape. Contact us to level up your virtual and hybrid events.

Worx Group
Worx Group
Worx Group is a leading live and virtual experiential agency that combines strategy with design, digital and production, to create effective brand experiences that engage audiences and ensure return on investment.

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