Cybersecurity matters: Here's how to mitigate the risks

Hosting an event gives you access to a considerable amount of personal and financial information - your own and that of your partners, suppliers and delegates - and comes with just as much responsibility.

It’s up to you to ensure that you have all the necessary systems in place to maintain the privacy of the data you have on hand. This isn’t just the ethical thing to do, it’s a business imperative. Failing to do so could result in reputational damage so severe, it could put the very existence of your brand at risk. The following tips will help protect the data at your next event. Click here:

Cybersecurity matters: Here's how to mitigate the risks

Worx Group
Worx Group
Worx Group is a leading live and virtual experiential agency that combines strategy with design, digital and production, to create effective brand experiences that engage audiences and ensure return on investment.

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