Are you a born events planner?

From award ceremonies to concerts and even office year-end functions, the lifestyle of an events planner can be seen from the outside as a glamorous job where you're essentially paid to throw parties.
Are you a born events planner?

With this said, we see countless individuals drawn towards a career in event planning and management without realising that the job might be a bit more laborious than expected. Having been in the industry for a long time now, our team knows a lot about these misconceptions. We have seen some people embrace the career with huge success, while others quickly discover that it’s not for them, so we caught up with a few of our event gurus to find out what it really means to be an event professional.

What’s the number one eventing misconception?

The “glitz and glamour” associated with events has nothing to do with the life of an event planner, except that they create this glamour for others. Our Director & Chief Growth Officer, Kim Winstanley explains “…80% of the event is in the build-up – all the unglamorous stuff is still involved; that is the admin, budgeting, planning etc. Don’t expect to just revel in the 20% fun, which is the glamour of meeting celebrities and working on big productions! Most newbies are VERY overwhelmed by the pre-event intensity – and this is what seems to always be their undoing...”

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Worx Group
Worx Group
Worx Group is a leading live and virtual experiential agency that combines strategy with design, digital and production, to create effective brand experiences that engage audiences and ensure return on investment.

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