Want to host a great event and save money? Hire an events company

There's no denying that South Africa is going through a period of economic insecurity, and as the budgets get tighter and the list of demands longer, we're finding ourselves being increasingly faced with one question from our clients:

Why should I use an events management company? Surely, I can just do the event myself and save money on their management fee and mark-ups?

Want to host a great event and save money? Hire an events company

We get it – for many people who don’t know just how much work and prep goes into an event, it can seem like the kind of thing that you could just do in-house. And, nine times out of ten, when people decide to organise their own event, they think it will simply be a fun interlude to their day-to-day job. But as our Chief Growth Officer, Kim Winstanley, points out, choosing not to run your event through an events company often ends up costing you more. Read more in our blog: https://www.wrxgrp.co.za/hire-an-events-company/.

Worx Group
Worx Group
Worx Group is a leading live and virtual experiential agency that combines strategy with design, digital and production, to create effective brand experiences that engage audiences and ensure return on investment.

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