Have you voted yet?

The Red Bull RADAR competition will, in roughly two weeks, reach its climax when the winning band/artist will record a four-track demo at the Red Bull Studio in Cape Town, with return flights paid for, along with accommodation and meals. They'll also win a slot at Rocking the Daisies 2010.
Have you voted yet?

So if you haven't voted yet, what are you waiting for? You have till Friday, 2 October to make your vote count. The three bands with the most nods, announced on Saturday, 3 October, will battle it out on the main stage at Rocking the Daisies on Saturday, 10 October. If you vote, you could win double tickets to Rocking the Daisies or Rocking the Gardens.

If you're already attending RTD 2009 - here's hoping it's not as cold as last year and the ablution facilities are better maintained - check out the festival map.

The BizLounge will spot you there :-)

More info?

Go to www.speakerbox.co.za to vote in the Red Bull RADAR competition.

About Sindy Peters

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com