SANEF condemns govt threat to pull advertising

NEWSWATCH: The South African National Editors' Form (SANEF) said yesterday, Monday, 10 September 2007, that it was “‘unacceptable' for government bodies to threaten the withdrawal of advertising from newspapers”, as well as for “public bodies to use this as a punitive measure to promote self-censorship”, reports the Mail & Guardian Online.

For more: M&G Online: SANEF: Threat to pull govt advertising unacceptable

About Simone Puterman

Simone Puterman (@SimoneAtLarge) is currently editor-at-large at and deputy chair of the Sanef online editors subcommittee. After majoring in psychology and linguistics at Rhodes University, and then completing her honours in psychology, she has been in the world of B2B publishing since 1997, with 7.5 year stints at both WriteStuff Publishing and (March 2006-August 2013). Email her at
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