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Is part-time study right for you?

If life and your career is a full-time job and you can't study full-time but you need to learn more to earn more or advance yourself then Wits Plus is definitely for you.

We understand that professionals and more mature adults need their studies to fit in with their lifestyle or career. Lectures are held in the evenings (17:30-21:00), with certain courses requiring attendance on Saturday mornings (09:00-13:00). All the part-time courses are offered in English.

Wits Plus students are typically over 23 and professionals who are focused on making the most of the benefits of learning but still want the dynamic, spirited experience of studying at the University of the Witwatersrand. If you can manage the dual challenge of successfully combining work and study then Wits Plus offers you:

  • Top lecturers - providing you with a top education;

  • Professional respect;

  • Multiple teaching methods - which provide a variety of study stimuli;

  • An extended study period that is flexible and optimises learning;

  • Smaller classes with peer interaction, enabling networking.

Read more about combining the challenges of working full-time and studying part-time.