FNB pulls ad; Zille pulls out

NEWSWATCH: Mail & Guardian reports FNB has folded in the face of intense criticism from the ANC over a series of videos from the bank's 'You Can Help' campaign, and pulled the videos. Meanwhile, the DA's Helen Zille has pulled out of a New Age business breakfast after reports arose claiming that the events are funded with public money, reports iafrica.com.
FNB pulls ad; Zille pulls out

For more:

  • Mail & Guardian: FNB folds under ANC's harsh criticism... The ANC says the videos from the bank's "You Can Help" campaign are "political" and "treasonous". So they weren't children talking about their hopes and dreams for the future?

  • iafrica.com: Mixed reaction to FNB campaign... Predictably, the ANC disliked the campaign, the DA approved, the SACP slammed it... and the ANCYL, well...

  • Politics Web: FNB's You Can Help campaign treasonous - ANCYL... They just went ballistic.

  • BDlive: ANC outrage over FNB's 'Arab Spring' ad campaign... So now the bank is guilty of treason? An online dictionary has treason as meaning "the offence of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign".

    (Image: GCIS)
    (Image: GCIS)

    Quite a few people might look at a video showing a young girl talking about her hopes and dreams of a brighter future and view it simply as that... a young person talking to the camera about how she wants to see her life and her country in the future.

  • iafrica.com: Zille ditches New Age breakfast... Having found out that the breakfasts are apparently funded by us - the taxpayers - the DA leader has decided she'll stick with her coffee and croissant in her office.

About Rod Baker

Rod Baker is Content Director at Bizcommunity.com. A journalist since before computers, he worked on a wide range of magazines and, in his youth, rose through the ranks from being a lowly and abused sub-editor, to a high and still abused editor and publisher. He has been editor and publisher of a number of magazines, as well as a newspaper. He has edited many books, and written a number too. Email him at rod@bizcommunity.com.
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