'Allo 'Allo' ... 'ave I ze word for you!

IOL reports the French, those masters (and presumably mistresses) of seduction, have come up with a word for sexting.

The French have the Academie Francaise - a respected institution that has a mission: to keep French pure. To that end, the institute regularly invents French terms for English terms that have crept into usage in France.

Paris, France - home of the 'textopornographie', qui!(Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Paris, France - home of the 'textopornographie', qui!(Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Now we all know the French and seduction go together like, well, a courting couple, so it is no surprise it now has a word for sexting and IOL reports that "If you want to send sexually explicit photos or text messages to your lover in France, it's called "textopornographie".

The academy's Sophie Tonolo, a dictionary editor, quotes IOL, is reported as saying that the new word may not end up in the dictionary, "if the phenomenon fades".

With tears in my bloodshot eyes, as I sit here with a death grip on my... smartphone... what chance is there of the phenomenon fading?

It's not sexting, it's textopornographie... 'Ow about a leetil textopornographie, zen?

About Rod Baker

Rod Baker is Content Director at Bizcommunity.com. A journalist since before computers, he worked on a wide range of magazines and, in his youth, rose through the ranks from being a lowly and abused sub-editor, to a high and still abused editor and publisher. He has been editor and publisher of a number of magazines, as well as a newspaper. He has edited many books, and written a number too. Email him at rod@bizcommunity.com.
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