
Sponsored stories, what's different and what's the value?

We have two kinds of marketing when it comes to Facebook, we have Marketplace adverts and Sponsored stories.
Sponsored stories, what's different and what's the value?

Marketplace adverts are targeted at specific demographics whereas the Facebook 'Sponsored Stories' target 'Fans' and 'Friends of Fans' and are driven by the organic activity of likes, shares and friends' interactions on Facebook.

Making use of Sponsored Stories reaps a great benefit for your brand, as the sharing of content becomes organic/ viral.

Sponsored stories, what's different and what's the value?

Here's how they work:

  • Someone likes your Page, interacts with your application, or checks-in to one of your locations

  • A story about this activity is generated on their friends' News Feeds, which may or may not be seen

  • Sponsored Stories increase visibility of these stories by surfacing them on the right column of Facebook pages

What is important to further facilitate this activity is to create an engaging Facebook page and embed 'Share' ,'Like' and 'Subscribe' buttons across all your online platforms, your website, Twitter page, Pinterest account, etc, should all link to your Facebook page.

There are seven different types of sponsored stories that allow various activities of interaction depending what your marketing goals are.

You will notice that six of the seven can target friends of fans which can be a very powerful way to drive conversations.

These are some of the goals that Facebook's sponsored stories will help you achieve;

  • Acquire more fans
    Run Page Like Stories to amplify the action of someone liking your Page

  • Engage with more of your fans
    Run Page Post Stories, which automatically insert your posts into a sponsored story that is shown to a wider base of your fans

  • Increase App engagement

    Boost the action of people's friends using your app or playing your game with App Shared & Game Played Stories

We see this way of marketing on Facebook as a great opportunity to get your brand and Facebook page soaring! Remember, the more likes you have the more potential customers you're talking to, and the more well known your brand will be.

For every campaign we run, we make sure that our social media strategy ties in closely with all other mediums for that campaign. Advertising your Facebook page on Streetpole adverts, for example, is a great way to talk to a new audience and really get your page brimming with interested potentials!

If you'd like to get your brand online and being talked about, ask us how, now! Click here and we'll get back to you with a strategy that won't disappoint!

14 Feb 2013 16:39
