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#StartupStory: The Record Drop helps SA musicians become CEO of their own destiny
#StartupStory: The Record Drop helps SA musicians become CEO of their own destiny
[Ruth Cooper] Solo musician Damian Malgas has first-hand experience of the challenges faced when it comes to having your music heard as a new artist, often the main issue for up and coming independent artists is distribution... read
Marketing & Media
Photo: Seed
#AfricaCom: Rural healthcare and digitalisation

Nicci Botha

Given the proliferation of mobile devices in Africa, it makes sense that digital tools would alleviate many of the healthcare issues in the out-of-the-way places... read
Consumer rights trump retail policies
Consumer rights trump retail policies
Those little presticked notices of 'if you break this, consider it sold' or the 'seven-day return policy' that you are so kindly informed of when you return the toy that broke on day one, have no basis... read
HR & Recruitment
Introducing Gen Z to the workplace
Introducing Gen Z to the workplace

Fatima Moosa

As the South African legal industry seems to be making some headway in understanding and adapting to the needs of Generation Y (those born between 1984 and 2004), another generation is entering university and will be taking the workplace by storm in only a few years... read
Rise of the 'rentvestors'
Rise of the 'rentvestors'
A new type of property buyer, the 'rentvestor', is emerging in the South African marketplace, according to Gerhard Kotzé, MD of the RealNet estate agency group... read
Waymo cars hit the road without drivers
Waymo cars hit the road without drivers
Waymo on Tuesday said that its self-driving cars are hitting the road without anyone behind the wheel as the Alphabet subsidiary steers toward launching an automated ride service... read
#AfricaCom: How innovation is better in Africa
#AfricaCom: How innovation is better in Africa

Ilse van den Berg

Toby Shapshak, editor-in-chief of Stuff Magazine, shared some thoughts on how innovation is better in Africa at AfricaCom 2017. He highlighted some specific innovations to illustrate how the continent is leapfrogging into the future... (video) read
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Sales Representative - Cape Town
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