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Image: Bruce Sutherland
How streets can help bridge social and spatial divides
[Ilse van den Berg] I recently had a very inspiring conversation with Marcela Guerrero Casas, co-founder and MD of Open Streets Cape Town about the power of streets and its ability to bridge social and spatial divides... read
Marketing & Media
Myles McDonald, composer and producer at Hey Papa Legend.
The producers' wrap: Myles McDonald of Hey Papa Legend

Leigh Andrews

I spoke to some of the people responsible for SA's recent One Show-winning work, behind the scenes. Next up is Myles McDonald of Hey Papa Legend... read
Western Cape drought holds serious implications for deciduous fruit industry
Western Cape drought holds serious implications for deciduous fruit industry
The current drought, as well as the predicted long-term drying trends in the Western Cape, has serious implications for the farming of deciduous fruit says HORTGRO... read
Image Supplied
Cape Town to combat tourism seasonality with golf festival
The City of Cape Town in partnership with key industry role players will embark on a series of initiatives to boost Cape Town's tourism numbers during the winter and address the multiple challenges associated with seasonality... read
#OnTheBigScreen: Pirates, Rock and Roll and Unrequited Love
#OnTheBigScreen: Pirates, Rock and Roll and Unrequited Love

Daniel Dercksen

Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge, Song to Song, Unforgettable and Twelfth Night open at local cinemas this weekend. read
Minister of science and technology, Naledi Pandoor
SA signs innovation agreement with Novartis

Nicci Botha

A high-level MoU on medical research and development has been signed between the SAMRC, the DST and Novartis... read
Putting people at the centre of multi-buy promotions
Putting people at the centre of multi-buy promotions

Lauren Hartzenberg

In the South African retail and manufacturing sectors, promotions have become a popular tool to attain growth... read
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