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Image credit: Kevin Sutherland via Business Day
Pick n Pay slashes Smart Shopper rewards
Pick n Pay has announced steep cuts to it popular Smart Shopper rewards programme, halving the value of the cash rewards... read
How will the cabinet reshuffle affect SA's travel and tourism industry?
How will the cabinet reshuffle affect SA's travel and tourism industry?
Having two female leaders at the helm of South Africa's travel and tourism public sectors sets a new precedent for women empowerment in the industry says the TBCSA, however, it laments the uncertain political ramifications... read
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A view of independent agencies in South Africa

César Vacchiano

Nowadays, as we are gradually coming out of a global recession and economic crisis in which communication agencies have been greatly affected, all agencies of all disciplines have continued to compete ferociously for local clients... read
Cabinet reshuffle triggers junk status
Cabinet reshuffle triggers junk status

Nicci Botha

With the dash of a pen, President Jacob Zuma has undone all the hard work of government and business last year to avoid junk status... read
STSMA Act: do current rules still apply
STSMA Act: do current rules still apply

Michael Bauer

Many in sectional title schemes might be wondering whether current rules being used by their schemes remain in force now that the Sectional Title Schemes Management Act has come into effect... read
March shows growth in new vehicle sales
March shows growth in new vehicle sales
Amidst uncertainty, South Africa's new vehicle industry grew 2.1% in March, with total sales of 48,534 vehicles according to the latest data from Naamsa... [infographic] read
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