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Fortune favours the cautious
Fortune favours the cautious
[Professor André Roux] First, the good news: The macro-economic backdrop to this year's budget speech is not quite as intimidating as a year ago... read
Sugar tax must come with an education programme
Sugar tax must come with an education programme
The new tax on SSBs can't stand alone in addressing obesity and related lifestyle diseases, and must form part of an integrated education plan... read
Oxfam East Africa via
Man-made famine declared in South Sudan, thousands face starvation
4.9 million people - more than 40 percent of South Sudan's population - are in need of urgent food, agriculture and nutrition assistance... read
Top five things employees want in their workplace
Top five things employees want in their workplace
A recent survey of office workers across South Africa has revealed the top five things people want from their office space... read
Common mistakes employees make during disciplinary hearings
Common mistakes employees make during disciplinary hearings

Johan Botes

Whether it's a result of lapping up Suits or Law & Order is an open question, but we frequently see employees misconceiving their rights and obligations when faced with allegations of wrongdoing in the workplace... read
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