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A guide to Instagram for SA brands
A guide to Instagram for SA brands
[Jennifer Human] Although one of the younger social media platforms amongst the giants, Instagram is steadily making its way to the front of the line in capturing audiences of varying ages and interests... read
Logistics & Transport
kliemphoto via
Multimodal West Africa '17 to improve Nigeria's transport and logistics business
In March 2017, Nigeria's transport and logistics experts will gather for Multimodal West Africa 2017. Industry stakeholders believe that the exhibition will adequately reposition the transport and logistics sector... read
Energy & Mining
Sibanye starts retrenchment process at platinum mines
To ensure sustainability at its platinum operations, Sibanye will begin labour negotiations that will culminate in 330 workers being retrenched... read
Dti to spend R216m on upgrades at industrial parks
Dti to spend R216m on upgrades at industrial parks
The Department of Trade and Industry (dti) plans to spend R216m on renovations at five industrial parks in the country... read
Are your employees possibly abusing their sick leave?
Are your employees possibly abusing their sick leave?
While every employee falls ill, many organisations still report concerns of employees taking advantage of using their sick leave to take time off work... read
SA tech startup creates security system for low-income families
SA tech startup creates security system for low-income families

Lolita Pukwana

Crime in South Africa's townships is rampant and residents usually cannot afford alarm systems in their homes... read
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