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The art of Facebook: 30 of its biggest brands analysed
The art of Facebook: 30 of its biggest brands analysed
[Andy Walker] For personal use, Facebook is an excellent way to communicate with friends, keep up to date with event lists, and of course, sneak around others' personal lives. But how do some of the world's biggest brands use the social network... read
Agriculture, Horticulture & Forestry
SA in for above-average rainfall in early to mid-summer
SA in for above-average rainfall in early to mid-summer

Andries Mahlangu

SA's summer rainfall areas can expect wetter conditions during the early and mid-summer periods, according to the latest report by the South African Weather Service... read
Cape Town Motor Show officially launched
Cape Town Motor Show officially launched
All the finest cities in the world have one: Frankfurt, Paris, Tokyo, Dubai and New York, to name a few. So it was only a matter of time before Cape Town, voted one of the Best Cities in the World in 2015, would finally announce its own national show entitled The Cape Town Motor Show (CTMS). read
Energy & Mining
Eskom anti-renewables stance and other agendas
Eskom anti-renewables stance and other agendas

Nicci Botha

Report after report tells us coal is doomed, yet Eskom keeps on perpetuating the myth that renewables can't supply baseload and are expensive... read
Pharmacists bear the brunt of pricing regulation
Pharmacists bear the brunt of pricing regulation
Pharmacists should have a say in legislation affecting medicine pricing and not allow other parts of the supply chain to set the rules... read
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