Zofari app will boost Yahoo's search capabilities

NEW YORK, USA: Yahoo said it was bolstering its local search capabilities by absorbing the team from the smartphone recommendation app Zofari.
A local search app, Zofari has teamed up with Yahoo to improve search capabilities within specific locations. Image:
A local search app, Zofari has teamed up with Yahoo to improve search capabilities within specific locations. Image: dnainfo

"Zofari and Yahoo share a common goal to make the world an easier place to explore for as many people as possible," California-based Yahoo said in an email.

"We're thrilled to welcome the team to Yahoo, where they will join our growing search organisation and continue to build amazing discovery experiences," Yahoo said in a statement.

Yahoo is not acquiring the company but is integrating the team from Zofari to improve local search in the face of services from Google, Yelp and others.

A statement on the Zofari website: "Our team is joining Yahoo, where we will continue to build amazing discovery experiences at a scale we've only dreamed of up to now." The Zofari app will remain available to users.

Zofari describes itself as a "Pandora for Places," in reference to the online radio group that creates customised music lists.

"Using your favorite restaurants, bars and neighborhoods, we create customised stations that show you the most similar places around you," according to the Zofari site.

"Your stations update whenever you change locations, revealing awesome hidden gems and making discovering new places as easy as exploring your hometown," it said.

Source: AFP via I-Net Bride

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