Write a non-fiction book

This ten-module online writing course will help you write your non-fiction book, whether you want to write travel stories, histories, biographies, memoir, autobiography, how-to or self-help, educational and text books, this course ensures that you make a solid start on your manuscript.

The course also guides you to choose the best publisher for your book, whether it be a traditional publisher, self-publishing and/or publishing in e-book format.

If you are destined to become the next Amazon best-selling author, we'll help you get there.

Your tutor provides ongoing support and detailed feedback on your manuscript-in-progress. The aim is to improve every aspect of your writing, and to help you make confident choices around getting published.

The prescribed textbook set for this course is Writing Your Nonfiction Book: The Complete Guide to Becoming an Author, by Trish Nicholson. The book is available on Amazon in Kindle format, or via a downloadable Kindle reader for your computer. This is an additional cost to the course fee (less than $10).

Our award-winning writing tutors have spent years assessing manuscripts written in many different styles and they are comfortable working with writers across a wide range of genres.

You will regularly send installments of your manuscript to your tutor for feedback. By the end of the ten modules, you will have gained important writing skills and have a text of at least 20,000 words. If you feel the need for further support and mentoring, you may choose to continue with the follow-up course aimed at completing the manuscript.

Write a non-fiction book course details:

Modules: ten modules
Duration: course can be completed at own pace: between 12 and 24 months
Start date: at any time; applications all year round via our website

Student must complete:

-20 writing assignments (including writing a chapter outline, book synopsis, book timeline, editing skills, cover letter).
-A start of 20,000 to 25,000 words towards their manuscript.

Admission requirements:

-Good writing skills are essential.
-We will require a rough synopsis of your proposed book and an example of your writing.
-Computer skills, email and internet access required.
-Some internet skills would be helpful but not essential.
-No previous tertiary qualification required.

Course curriculum

Module one - pin your idea
-Thinking around genres
-Finding your spot in the market
-Writing assignments

Module two - plan your book
-Determining your theme
-Create your chapter outline
-Structuring different genres (how to write travel stories, histories and biographies, memoir and autobiography, how-to and self-help, educational and text books)
-Writing assignments

Module three - get started
-Your computer and basic settings
-Writing assignments

Module four - gather your information
-Types of data
-Sources of information
-Interviewing skills
-Plagiarism and libel
-Writing assignments

Module five - write your first draft
-Creative writing for nonfiction
-Good grammar habits
-Writing tips for different genres
-Writing assignments

Module six- maintain momentum
-What to do if you feel stuck
-Start building your author platform
-Writing assignments

Module seven - edit your draft
-Revising for structure
-Revising for language and clarity
-Feedback and external editing
-Writing assignments

Module eight - decide on the best publishing option for you
-A brief overview of the book industry
-Buying a full publishing package
-Submitting to traditional publishers
-Self-publishing your book
-Privately printing and distributing your book
-Writing assignments

Module nine - market your book
-Understand what marketing is
-Participating in social media
-Promoting through blogging
-Writing press releases
-Requesting book reviews
-Writing assignments

Module ten - yying up loose ends
-Final polishing
-Planning the way forward
-Writing assignments

Date: 07 February 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 28 February 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 07 March 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 28 March 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 04 April 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 25 April 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 02 May 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 30 May 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 06 June 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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Date: 27 June 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R6,995

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