1000 Women Restart offers hope to women in South Africa

1000 Women Restart, a comprehensive and wide-ranging campaign to empower victims of gender-based violence, and also those who lost their jobs during the Covid-19 lockdown, is set to provide new resources, skills, business mentorships and hope to countless South African women.
1000 Women Restart offers hope to women in South Africa

“We at 1000 Women Trust are launching 1000 Women Restart and are inviting all women to be our Friend. We want to inspire women who have suffered loss to restart by providing them with income-generating ideas or skills for better jobs,” said Tina Thiart, founder of 1000 Women Trust.

“But we also want to invite all women in business to join and lend a helping hand as business mentors to those who have experienced job losses and trauma. We know that women are inextricably linked and we call on all women to join the network.

“If you are a woman and without a job, 1000 Women Trust can assist you because through 1000 Women Restart an Idea Bank will be created to give you access to more opportunities,” said Thiart.

Women in South Africa bore the brunt of job losses during the past 17 months of the Covid-19 pandemic. Women accounted for two million of the three million job losses.

1000 Women Trust has subsequently identified a need for creating an economic empowerment initiative - 1000 Women Restart - for the women most impacted by job losses, Covid-19 and those impacted by gender-based violence or those who need to restart a business after lockdown.

“There is an ongoing support service to empower women with a WhatsApp group run by 1000 Women Trust for instant advice and assistance in the pursuit of creating self-sustainable income for them,” said Thiart.

“Additionally, we will support women by referring them to mentors and business coaches, and by setting up one-on-one conversations for them with successful business leaders. We will give them access to business skills training and development opportunities. We will invite them to join business networks, including the 1000 Women Restart Network.” added Thiart.

Free Webinars

1000 Women Trust will kick-start the 1000 Women Restart-campaign by hosting three webinars in collaboration with Pick ‘n Pay in August.

  • 11 August: Grow Self-confidence

  • 18 August: Investing in Women

  • 25 August: Women Empowerment

Register on www.webtickets.co.za

For more, go to www.1000women.co.za.

For more, visit: https://www.bizcommunity.com