Meet Ramsey Naja - #Loeries2018 judge and DStv Seminar of Creativity speaker

Don't miss Ramsey Naja, CCO at J. Walter Thompson Middle East & Africa, Lebanon, at the DStv International Seminar of Creativity on Friday, 17 August.
Meet Ramsey Naja - #Loeries2018 judge and DStv Seminar of Creativity speaker

More about Ramsey

  • #Loeries2018 Integrated and Print & Out of Home Judge.

  • Under his stewardship, his agency has become one of the region's most awarded networks and JWT is ranked 5th in the Loeries Official Rankings 2017 for Regional Agency Group.

  • Believes that all the talk of "traditional" versus "digital" is so passé it is almost vintage.

  • If he wasn't in advertising he'd work in theatre.

This is your only opportunity to be directly exposed to such international thought

Find out more about our other seminar speakers, Fabian Frese, Mzamo Masito, Nicolas Courant and Sebastian Padilla here.

South African agencies: The Seminar and MasterClasses can be claimed as Informal Training in the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice.

For more, visit: