MPowerFM's GM moves on

MPowerFM's General Manager, Bondo Ntuli, leaves Mpumalanga's first independent commercial radio station at the end of this month. Ntuli joined MPowerFM in October 2007 and was part of the station's launch and first year of existence.

Commenting on Ntuli's departure, MPowerFM's Chairman, Mark Schormann, said Ntuli has been an integral part of the station's first year: “Bondo brought experience to a very young and inexperienced team, and was exactly what MPowerFM needed to get through the first year,” commented Schormann. “The first year of a start-up business is its toughest, and the challenges were made even greater by the tough economic conditions.”

Under Ntuli's leadership MPowerFM established a listenership of 105,000 in its first year, with 75% of these listeners in LSM 7-10.

Ntuli says the past 14 months have been an adventure. “To establish this radio station from nothing has been a really fulfilling experience. We have some great talent at MPowerFM, and it won't be long before the radio station owns the hearts and minds of the people of Mpumalanga,” says Ntuli.

Before joining MPowerFM, Ntuli was a presenter and programme manager at YFM in Johannesburg.

And his next move? “This past year has taken a lot out of me, and it might be time to try my hand at something entirely different,” says Ntuli.

A successor has not yet been announced, and MPowerFM will be managed for the foreseeable future by the Specialist Team from AME, who is also a minority shareholder in the station.

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