Google, Viacom settle YouTube copyright suit

NEW YORK, USA: - Google and Viacom announced a settlement in a long-running lawsuit claiming the Internet company's YouTube video-sharing site promoted copyright infringement.
Viacom, Google and YouTube have settled the copyright dispute over online video clips. Image: Cooldesign
Viacom, Google and YouTube have settled the copyright dispute over online video clips. Image: Cooldesign Free Digital Photos

"This settlement reflects the growing collaborative dialogue between our two companies on important opportunities, and we look forward to working more closely together," a joint statement by the companies said, without offering details.

The suit dates back to 2007 when Viacom accused YouTube division of using pirated video clips to attract viewers.

It is among several lawsuits against Google, which in recent years has stepped up efforts to protect copyrights.

The Viacom copyright case was closely watched at the time as film and television studios grappled with adapting to the ease with which digital content could be shared on the Internet.

Online streaming of shows and movies has since become common, with creators finding new sources of revenue from online delivery, including through alliances with services such as Netflix, Hulu and others.

Source: AFP via I-Net Bridge

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