Mental Health in the Workplace Seminar

Mental illness is more prevalent than many employers realise.
Research indicates that job stressors (burnout, derailment, depression and anxiety) and other related psychological hazards (caused by behaviour traits such as narcissist, machiavellian and psychopath) are emerging as the leading contributors to the burden of occupational disease and injury.

A failure to support employees with mental disorders is costing companies a fortune! An estimated 615 million people suffer from depression and anxiety and according to a recent World Health Organisation study, this costs an estimated $1tn productivity every year. Companies that do not have systems in place to support the wellbeing of their employees have higher turnover, lower productivity and higher healthcare costs. They also face significant legal risks.

In South Africa, the absenteeism and presentism productivity losses associated with mental health issues are estimated at 28 days a year for anxiety disorders and 27 days per year for depression. Metropolitan Health's Dr Ali Hamdulay, who also chairs the Board of Healthcare Funders of Southern Africa chairman asserts that mental illness could soon overtake HIV/Aids as the leading cause of illness in South Africa. The costs associated with poor mental health gives the business case for dealing with mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

This unique and timely seminar will serve as an important platform for the exchange of new ideas, best practice examples and insights on identifying and managing a range of mental health issues in the workplace. The programme is designed to assist organisations in reducing stigma and bias on mental health as well as unpack strategies for implementation in the workplace.
No other event offers an in-depth exploration of mental health in the workplace - new ideas, practical guidance, essential research - this event has it all!

Register and reap a tangible reward of reduced costs and high performance and productivity in your organisation.

Date: 18 February 2020
Time: 08:00 - 16:00
Venue: Aha Gateway hotel, Durban
Cost: R4,500 excl. VAT

Date: 05 March 2020
Time: 08:00 - 16:00
Venue: Century City Conference Centre, Cape Town
Cost: R4,500 excl. VAT

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