Code4Change aims to reach 300,000 learners by 2020

In July 2017, four South Africans will attempt to set a new team record for the fastest time to complete the nine summits in South Africa. The climbers have created a crowdfunding campaign to raise R100,000 for Code4Change to bring coding to three schools in Gauteng and impact 350 learners with a fun, basic coding course while encouraging the start of new coding clubs in these schools.
Code4Change aims to reach 300,000 learners by 2020

It is reported that by 2020, there will be one million unfilled coding jobs due to a lack of education. Coding has become the universal language of this era and, in future, not learning this skill will make navigating the working world challenging and alienate non-coders, as it will be a required skill even outside of the technology industry.

Programming can be used as a pre-emptive tool to eradicate poverty and its on this foundation that Code4Change was developed: to change the lives of disadvantaged students. Code4Change aims to reach 500 schools and 300,000 learners by 2020. This is done through intensive, 3-week coding courses and fun projects and competitions.

Code4Change was launched in 2009 and has since become an organisation with a reputation for effective and innovative project implementation and design in the ICT skills sector. They are passionate young individuals who are dedicated to bridging the skills gap in the ICT job market. They believe in awakening the latent potential of youth in disadvantaged communities through introducing them to the world of technology.

From PC basics to intermediate coding competitions and IT technician workshops, these intensive, hands-on training programmes are designed to empower and develop young people who are competent in ICT and able to use these skills to find purposeful employment and enhance the quality of their lives.

Why you should learn coding

  • Learning coding will empower students to seek high-paying jobs in the Financial, Manufacturing and Healthcare sectors which will become the most reliant on coding in the future.

  • Learning coding assists individuals in building problem skills, using coding principals, coders can break problems into smaller segments to tackle them more efficiently.

  • Coding is a universal language which builds an engineering mindset, sharpens mathematical abilities and teaches students the algorisms that exist in our environment. This discipline also inspires creativity and flexibility.

The climbing team (aka the #CodeClimbers) will comprise of Adrian Saffy (attorney by profession, adventure racer by nature), Alex Harris (professional mountaineer, adventurer, and Seven Summits climber), Sean Disney (professional mountaineer, adventurer, and Seven Summits climber), and Tian Liebenberg (amateur mountaineer, aspirational Seven Summits climber, and passionate member of the Volunteers24 team at Media24).

Support the crowdfunding campaign here.

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