Sponsorship needed for young talented dancer!

I would like to tell you about our journey in the dance world with the hope that you may be able to assist us with some much-needed sponsorship. Every bit helps, no amount is too small!

In October 2017 our daughter (then age 12 now 13 years old) from a well-known dance studio in the south of Johannesburg auditioned at the Johannesburg Civic Theatre.

The audition was to attend the prestigious American Academy of Ballet (AAB) summer school in New York City in 2018. Dancers who attend this summer school are intensively trained by world-renowned dancers and teachers from around the globe.

On the day of the audition, 36 dancers between the age of 10 and 18 from all over Gauteng auditioned.

At the audition or daughter then age 12 was awarded the Mignon Furman award and a 35% bursary to attend the AAB summer school in June-July 2018.

Our daughter is currently in grade eight at the National School of the Arts in Johannesburg. She is a passionate and hardworking dancer who excels in all areas. She does ballet, hip-hop, modern, taps contemporary, acro, and Spanish. She dances in excess of 6 hours a day and pushes herself daily to achieve her dream of becoming a professional dancer. She has completed her dance exams every year with 90-100% in each discipline. She has competed in numerous eisteddfods and festivals always coming out on top. She has achieved her Gauteng and South African colours for ballet, modern and contemporary. She qualified with the highest contemporary soloist score in the 12/13-year-old contemporary section at DMSA in September last year, earning a spot in the team to tour Spain in 2018. She has been participating in the American performance awards since the age of 8 and has received gold every year. In 2017 ChloƩ travelled to America for two weeks ballet training in New York where she received gold in the Performance awards. In January 2018 she auditioned for the Joffrey Ballet School summer school and her audition was also successful.

I have exhausted every possible avenue and have been informed that the Gauteng Arts and Culture department does not sponsor individuals.

Our daughter has worked incredibly hard to reach this stage in her dancing and she would benefit immensely from the training offered at AAB! We would be honoured and proud to see her represent South Africa in New York in 2018.

We have paid the full amount for her tuition art the AAB (a full breakdown of the cost is available from me on request). We are still in need of sponsorship for the R15,000 aeroplane ticket and R1,500 for South African dance team uniform, which will have the sponsors details displayed on all pieces of the outfit.

We would greatly appreciate any support and sponsorship or part thereof for our daughter. Thank you for your consideration.

Contact name : Samantha Oosthuizen
Telephone number : +27637729776
Email address : samanthaoosthuizen1@gmail.com

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