The 2021 F1 season review: annus horribilis

I've spent the last few days ruminating about the 2021 F1 season, as I suspect most F1 fans have. In the weeks leading up to the finale, and the days since, I have read countless headlines and social media posts recounting 2021 as one of the best title fights that people have ever witnessed. However, I feel the complete opposite, and I will try to explain why below.
The 2021 F1 season review: annus horribilis

A new approach

The 2021 F1 season left the sport in a precarious position. Well, Covid-19 did. After years of complaints regarding the lack of wheel-to-wheel action and overtaking at the pinnacle of four-wheel racing, series rule makers decided to make sweeping changes that would enliven the spectacle (remember this word for later).

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