Result-Based Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Projects Training

Recently, there has been a realization that agriculture and in particular the viability and sustainability of smallholder farming can be a key to not only improving food security status but also reducing poverty. Monitoring and evaluation helps track agricultural project performance at any given time and provides reasons for an observed project status. In addition, understanding how approaches in Monitoring and Evaluation can be modified or enhanced to optimize positive impact on the intended beneficiaries is important.

Dear all,
RE:Result-based Monitoring And Evaluation Of Agricultural Projects

FineResults Research Services would like to invite you to high impact training on Result-based Monitoring And Evaluation Of Agricultural Projects to be held in Nairobi from 11th - 22nd May 2020

Event information
Course Name : Result-based Monitoring And Evaluation Of Agricultural Projects
Venue : FineResults Research, Nairobi, Kenya
Event Date : 11th - 22nd May 2020
Course Fee : KES 130000 or USD 1600
Registration : REGISTER HERE

Recently, there has been a realization that agriculture and in particular the viability and sustainability of smallholder farming can be a key to not only improving food security status but also reducing poverty. Monitoring and evaluation helps track agricultural project performance at any given time and provides reasons for an observed project status. In addition, understanding how approaches in Monitoring and Evaluation can be modified or enhanced to optimize positive impact on the intended beneficiaries is important. This five-day course is aimed at providing an overview of results-based monitoring and evaluation methods particularly in agricultural projects.
10 Days
• Participants will gain confidence to apply the acquired skills and knowledge to their M&E work
• Participants will be able to share and learn from other country experiences to strengthen their M&E systems in agricultural projects.
• Participants will have an improved understanding of how M&E can improve the quality of their projects while promoting learning and accountability
• Participants will also learn how to be better managers and consumers of evaluations conducted by others
Module 1: What is Monitoring and evaluation?
• Why is M&E important
• M&E and the project cycle management
• Step to implementing M&E in a project/programme in agricultural projects
• Type of evaluations
• Methods and tools for M&E
Module 2: Trends towards Result Based M&E

Module 3:
Introduction to Result Based M&E
Situation analyses/Needs assessment
Module 4:
M&E Frameworks
Module 5:
Designing indicators and evidence
• What are indicators?
• Characteristics of good indicators
• Process versus result/impact indicators
• Process indicators
• Result indicators
• Output indicators
• Outcome indicators
• Impact indicators
• Developing internationally comparable indicators
M&E Plans

Module 6: Evaluation Techniques
• Evaluation questions
• Steps to developing evaluation questions
• Illustrative examples

Module 7: Baseline Assessments
• What is baseline data and how is it collected?
• Needs assessment versus baseline study
• Questions to ask about a baseline plan
• What kind of baseline data is necessary, useful and practical to collect?
• Examples of baseline surveys
Module 8: Data Collection and Analysis
• Quantitative data
• Methods for collecting quantitative data
• Challenges and limitations of quantitative methods
• Qualitative data
• Methods for collecting qualitative data
• Pre/post intervention focus group discussions
• Pre/post intervention interviews
• Illustration and example with selected participatory methods
Module 9: Communicating M&E information
• Developing a communications strategy based on evaluation findings.
• Communicating findings to bring about change.
• Presenting M&E results using different media.
Module 10: Use of M&E Results
• Different uses of M&E results
• To whom to give feedback
• When to give feedback
• How to give feed back
• Embedding learning for personal and organizational benefit
• Becoming change agents for M&E.
• Becoming an M&E champion

NB: We are offering you a half day, fun and interactive team building event!
Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact us through Mobile: +254 732 776 700 / +254 759 285 295 or Email: gro.hcraeserstluserenif@gniniart
Payment should be transferred to FineResults Research Services Limited bank before commencement of training. Send proof of payment through the email: gro.hcraeserstluserenif@gniniart

Visit our website for more details

How to participate
Individual Registration
Contact information
TEL: +254 732 776 700 / +254 759 285 295
Visit our face book page
Visit our linkedin page
Visit our twitter account

Date: 11 May 2020 to 22 May 2020
Time: 08:00 - 17:00
Venue: FineResults Research services training center, Nairobi
Cost: USD 1600

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