South African philanthropists honoured

The second Inyathelo Philanthropy Awards were hosted by Inyathelo - The South African Institute of Advancement - yesterday, Wednesday, 5 November 2008. Supported primarily by Standard Bank South Africa, the awards publicly recognise and acknowledge individual philanthropists who personally play a vital role in the ongoing development of South Africa.

The gala awards event, addressed by both Niall Mellon of the Niall Mellon Township Trust and Cheryl Carolus CEO of Peotona Group, saw eight awards being presented to a range of remarkable South Africans who are doing what they can to build our young democracy and to ensure sustainable social development.

Even before the current the global financial crisis, international private and foundation funding was cut back, giving impetus to increase the calls to local givers to make personal contributions towards sustainable growth in South Africa,” said Shelagh Gastrow, executive director, Inyathelo.

“In view of this trend it is of utmost importance that we recognise and honour those individuals who, through a commitment to really building South Africa, give back and encourage others to give.”


The awardees are:

  • The Inyathelo Merit Award for Philanthropy: Linda Givon, ex-Goodman Gallery

  • The Inyathelo Award for Youth in Philanthropy: Braam Hanekom, People against Suffering, Suppression, Oppression and Poverty (PASSOP)

  • The Inyathelo Award for Exceptional Philanthropy: Dr Saleem Badat, vice-chancellor of Rhodes University

  • The Inyathelo Award for Exceptional Philanthropy: Norton Tennille, South African Education and Environmental Project (SAEP)

  • Inyathelo Award for Women in Philanthropy: Lynette Finlay, Nurturing Orphans of Aids for Humanity (NOAH)

  • The Inyathelo Award for Community Philanthropy: Grace Mohapi, Usizo Thuso Community Centre

  • The Inyathelo Award for Family Philanthropy: The Bertie Lubner Family

  • The Inyathelo Award for Lifetime Philanthropy: Prof Rashid Bhikha, Ibn Sina Institute of Tibb

The message being spread by Inyathelo and this growing group of awarded philanthropists is that SA has an urgent need for all citizens to participate in philanthropic giving. It is important to move away from the idea that only the wealthy can give back to the community - philanthropy is for everyone, and every South African needs to be aware of what they can do to take responsibility for growing a strong democracy.

“We believe that everyone can be a philanthropist by contributing where they can, with what they have, to ensuring the sustainability of our civil society sector. As South Africans, we need to take on the challenge of supporting our own civil society,” commented Gastrow.

Inyathelo hopes the awards will role model and encourage other emerging philanthropists, while increasing a broad awareness of philanthropy and the role it plays in strengthening our society.

Inyathelo ( is committed to growing social giving in SA, and with the support of big industry player Standard Bank South Africa, and from Accor Services, Inyathelo has a unique and comprehensive knowledge of social giving. This knowledge is extended through its partnership with some of the world's largest foundations and trusts such as The Atlantic Philanthropies, the Kresge Foundation and the Open Society Foundation for South Africa who are all supporting Inyathelo's initiative to energise civil society by inspiring a passion for philanthropy.

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