How to incorporate entertainment into online meetings

In my last article, I touched on the reasons that entertainment was ever part of meetings, events and conferences in a pre-Covid-19 setting, and why it remains relevant, even now. I want to talk about how to incorporate music and entertainment into online meetings and webinars.
Source: Marc Schulte from
Source: Marc Schulte from Pexels

The main thing to consider in deciding what entertainment option is most appropriate for you is to understand your audience, understand what will be communicated to them, and how you want them to feel (participant’s experience) during and after the online engagement.

If you’re planning a staff meeting; online conference, or webinar, here are some things to consider:

  • MC/Facilitator

    You still need to find the right person to drive and direct the programme of events. This person needs to be agile on the platform they are using (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet etc.) and still be able to retain the attention of the room. This person can be scripted, however you are going to need to rely on their natural whit and charm, because with online platforms, like on radio, what you want to avoid is dead air. So identify the right person who can think on their feet and be fluid.

  • Curated Mix

    As I alluded to in my last post, there are many cold and awkward silences during online meetings. Once participants have been let into the meeting room, it still takes a few minutes to make sure everyone is connected, and that everyone who needs to be there is there. That can be sometimes up to 15 minutes.

    During the programme, as you hand over the floor to different speakers, it can also take a few minutes to get their slides and reference materials set up. How about working with a DJ to curate and mix a playlist for you (that can be looped) so you can keep the energy up during these moments.

    This curated mix can be of music that is relevant to the event, company, milestone or achievement - your DJ can create a chilled mix, or can up the ante and raise the tempo; it really depends on the brief you give her/him.

  • Unplugged music session

    How do you host a remote year-end party? Easy: conduct a quick poll with your staff, and invite the most popular musician they vote for to perform an unplugged session as a novel way to add some sparkle to your online year-end event.

    The intimacy of an unplugged session can still be attained online, as the musician can take questions in between songs, and this engagement with the company-favourite will enhance the overall participants’ experience.

  • Live DJ set

    If your event ends on a high note, with a big announcement, or good news that warrants a celebration, you could invite a DJ to play a live set at the end of your event. This will keep participants in the room for as long as you would want them, and allow them to really let their hair down, in the comfort of their home offices.

    If you’re celebrating a big milestone, deliver a small celebratory pack to each participant ahead of time, and have everyone open them at the same time, as the DJ plays.(Remember to ask everyone to turn on their cameras so you can screenshot the celebration for posterity).

The platforms where we meet may have changed, but the principles of memorable engagement remain the same, because entertainment cuts across any platform.

About the author

DJ Dino Bravo is passionate about all things music, and this has translated into a career as a music producer and DJ. With 25 years of independent work in the entertainment industry under his belt, he is leveraging his experience as a music and entertainment consultant. His services include: music production, sound engineering, music content curation, entertainment strategy development, music/entertainment trends analysis.

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