Love Cape Town, love Mitchells Plain: Cape Town Tourism releases new neighbourhoods video

Continuing on its drive to encourage visitors to fall in love with the Mother City's lesser-known but unique experiences in a destination, Cape Town Tourism has released the latest in their "Love Cape Town Neighbourhoods" video series focusing on Mitchells Plain.

The video showcases the people working to better the vibrant area. People helping children, growing food gardens and artists making the neighbourhood blossom.

The recent Open Streets event that pulls the entire community together features, too, and it’s easy to understand how this event is growing in popularity.

“I think the best thing about Mitchells Plain for me, is the people. That connection between everyone. We don’t have the most aesthetic areas but it has heart. You may not see it if you just fly over it, but it’s got lots of heart!” – Fatima Sydow, Cookbook Author and Mitchells Plain resident

More Love Cape Town Neighbourhoods videos.

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