Competency-based interviewing - Hiring for success

Finding the best candidate for the job fuels company success. Our short course on competency-based interviewing has been designed to provide individuals who conduct job interviews with the practical skills required for conducting more effective interviews. This will assist them in ensuring that quality information is obtained for decision making purposes.

Outline of course content:

1. Types of interviews and benefits of structured interviews
2. The phases of an interview
3. Question types and developing effective questions
4. Considerations when preparing for a selection interview
5. Techniques for conducting an effective selection interview
6. The closure of an interview and the evaluation of information
7. Ethical and legal considerations when interviewing for selection purposes

Date: 25 June 2015
Time: 08:30 - 16:00
Venue: University of Pretoria (Main Campus), Pretoria, Hatfield
Cost: R 3500 (Includes catering)

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