Apply for agricultural funding in the North West

The North West Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in conjunction with the National Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development have opened applications for financial aid for agricultural and rural development projects.

Commercial farmers, entrepreneurs and previously disadvantaged individuals, among others, living in the North West have been encouraged to apply for funding for agricultural projects.

The department calls on organised agriculture, including smallholder and commercial farmers, entrepreneurs, previously disadvantaged individuals (youth, women and people with disabilities), traditional leaders, schools, churches, and cooperatives in the North West to apply for funding for the 2020/21 financial year.

The department said the funding of projects aims to realise the National Development Plan’s (NDP) vision 2030 of addressing the triple challenges of poverty, inequality and unemployment, as well as positively contribute to food security, job creation, and economic growth.

The department has prioritised programmes to be funded. These include crop/ grain production, livestock production, horticulture production and aquaculture.

Funding consideration is based on the commodity value chain (farm-to-fork).

"Applicants should demonstrate an appetite to farm and/or run a profitable business, provide proof of access to land and legislative obligations," the department said.

The applicants may choose to be supported with one and/or combination of the following:

• On and off-farm infrastructure and production inputs;
• Farmer training (skill development and capacity building;
• Enterprise business development, marketing and trade;
• Agro-processing business development support;
• Land care;
• Special programmes;
• Primary animal health care;
• Expanded public works programme (EPWP); and
• CRDP (Comprehensive Rural Development Programme) special projects.

"Interested parties can contact departmental Local Area Offices (LAOs) across the province to be assisted with application forms. Closing date for applications is Friday, 28 June 2019. No late, faxed or emailed applications will be accepted.

"Applicants will be given a reference number upon receipt of the application. The Department reserves the right to consider any application. Successful applicants will be required to enter into a funding agreement with the department in line with government prescripts," the department explained.

For more information, contact Gontse Padi on 018 389 5420.

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