Taxi that shocked police officers

An unlicenced taxi driver who packed 21 schoolchildren in an unroadworthy vehicle had a brush with the law on Wednesday, 11 September.
Taxi that shocked police officers

The Toyota Venture, which loads a maximum of seven passengers, was stopped by Ekurhuleni metro police officers in Katlehong. It was overloaded with 21 children between the ages of four and 10.

The taxi had caught the eye of traffic officers who were patrolling the area when it drove in an emergency lane.

On investigating, the officers discovered that the taxi had no working brakes, no door handles, passenger windows, a faulty steering wheel, old tyres and lose makeshift chairs

According to Ekurhuleni metro police spokesman Wilfred Kgasago, the officers from the Katlehong precinct were shocked by the poor state of the vehicle.

"Officers also discovered that the 25-year-old driver did not possess a valid driving licence or a professional driving permit as required by law.

"The officers instructed the driver to summon a breakdown vehicle to tow the battered Venture to a workshop for repairs," Kgasago said.

The driver was issued with a fine of R300 for driving in the emergency lane and R2,000 for driving without a valid driver's licence."

Kgasago urged parents and teachers to make sure children were transported in roadworthy and suitable vehicles. "Vehicles found to be unsafe for ferrying learners must be promptly reported to the authorities," he said.

Source: Sowetan via I-Net Bridge

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