Service Excellence

Over three days, our service excellence course will equip you with the tools you'll need to establish and maintain a high standard of customer service in your organisation.

Developing the attitude for customer service success

95% of consumers that experience bad service don't complain, they simply never come back, and 13% of them will tell 20 people about their negative experience with your brand. The practice of going above and beyond the call of duty to exceed your client's expectation is the biggest factor between good and great service.

If there is a common denominator shared by all organisations, public or private, large or small, manufacturing, service or government - it is the critical need for excellent customer service. No matter how great your company's product or service, it is your customer service that determines the success of sales and ensures the consistency of sustainable business.

During this customer service course you'll cover topics such as
- Where service excellence fits into the modern world of work and how it forms part of everyone's job;
- Distinguish between service excellence, negotiating, relationship marketing and sales;
- Demonstrate skills such as conflict management, assertiveness and empathy in a service excellence way;
- How to communicate across various platforms of technology (such as Skype and email) in a way that maintains service excellence;
- Use various approaches to measuring client satisfaction;
- How the global nature of shopping impacts on service excellence and how this environment is changing;
- The importance of service level agreements for ensuring service excellence;
- Appraise interactions with clients against principles of excellence and total quality management (TQM).

This course is for anyone that wants to make a significant contribution to their company's image and bottom line by creating a culture of service excellence and an understanding that every individual in the company must be a service champion.

Date: 07 July 2015 to 09 July 2015
Time: 08:00 - 17:00
Venue: Cabanga Conference Centre, Johannesburg
Cost: R6 790.00 excl VAT

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