Applied Digital Marketing Online Certificate Course

This new, industry-aligned applied digital marketing certificate course is one-of-a-kind! What sets it apart from every other digital marketing course is its practical nature. Every bit of theory you learn will be applied and developed as a marketable skill for future job prospecting. At the end, you will be armed with 20 skills certificates and badges as well as your own digital portfolio of work.

This certificate was developed after researching the needs of the industry. You'll be able to study online from anywhere in the world, in your own space, guided by our industry experts. With our practical and business-relevant material, you'll be given the latest digital tools to help you deal with real-world digital marketing scenarios.

For those that already have experience as traditional marketers, this course is your fastest route to obtaining hands-on skills in digital marketing. Suddenly you will understand what is being said in meetings and you will soon be on your way into a digital marketing manager level position.

We have broken this course down into manageable bite-size learning blocks which will run as follows:

Block 1 kicks you off with a digital marketing orientation process where you will be introduced to and set-up online accounts for all the tools required to do this course.

Block 2 is all about your portfolio and will run as an overarching project for the full duration of your course. There are several hand-in steps along the way, where you will receive one-on-one coaching from an industry expert, all of which will culminate in an online portfolio, social profile and website that you have created to display your amazing work.

Block 3 takes you through the fundamentals of marketing, which even for seasoned marketers is a good reminder of what we need to focus on as marketers and why.

Block 4 builds onto your newly found knowledge of marketing and teaches you how to develop a strategy and marketing plan for an organisation. You will also set-up and develop your own social media business pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

Block 5 takes you deeper into the digital world. Here you will learn about new technologies, the latest trends in digital marketing and how the digital landscape has changed the way marketers think and do strategy.

Block 6 explores the mindset of the online customer. Find out how to develop digital customer journeys, personas and experiences. You will develop an integrated marketing communications plan for a business which includes setting up campaigns using Google Ads and then monitoring performance using Google Analytics and other online measurement tools.

Block 7 is practical and hands-on. You will be introduced to tools used by industry for keyword research, building surveys, testing and monitoring digital activities, building email campaigns, automating social media posts, managing projects and more. The highlight of this block is when you build and create your own website.

Block 8 builds on all the knowledge you have acquired so far and teaches you how to take your digital strategy into action. You will learn about branding, how to write copy and design content for different online channels.

If you want a CV loaded with real, relevant and industry required skills in digital marketing, then this is the course for you.

Accelerate your digital marketing career now - it's time!

Date: 24 February 2020
Venue: Online (study from anywhere), Countrywide
Cost: R35,000

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