Personal writing coach course

Get your own personal writing coach, and give your writing a make-over with this five-month, customised, online writing course.

This nine-module, five-month course will help you:

-Unblock your barriers to writing, and start you off on a writing journey
-Learn to write exactly what you mean
-Learn to write well-organised material with confidence
-Learn to create the strategic impact you want with your words
-Learn to write in a reader-friendly, correct and enjoyable style
-Perfect the art of letter writing, reports, newsletter articles, speeches, proposals and memos, emails and faxes.

Your professional writing coach:

-Susan Williams is the managing member of Prose&Coms, a communications company that specialises in corporate writing and publishing, training and corporate storytelling.

She started her career as a language teacher before moving into the corporate world as chief sub-editor of the MultiChoice TV magazines. She has a BA degree with Afrikaans and English as majors, and honours degrees in philosophy and applied linguistics.

Course curriculum:

Module one: breaking through the barrier - seven days
Module two: finding topics to write about - seven days
Module three: logical writing
Module four: what do you actually say? An exercise in clarity
Module five: grammar gremlins: what are the rules?
Module six: using perfect punctuation
Module seven: is your writing dull?
Modules eight and nine: select two of the following formats to specialise in:

-Letter writing
-Writing easy-to-read reports
-Writing newsletter articles for the workplace
-Write a riveting speech
-Writing proposals
-Memos, emails and faxes

Sign up and start your course at any time. For more information, and to register, go to

Date: 06 February 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 27 February 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 06 March 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 27 March 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 03 April 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 24 April 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 01 May 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 29 May 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 05 June 2018
Venue: Online correspondence course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

Date: 26 June 2018
Venue: Online correspondence Course, Countrywide
Cost: R5,495

For more, visit: