SANEF open house discussion on media freedom threats

The South African National Editors' Forum (SANEF) is inviting all editors and journalists to an open house discussion on the proposed media tribunal, problematic legislation currently before Parliament and other threats to media freedom at Avusa Johannesburg, tomorrow morning at 9.30am, Wednesday, 4 August 2010.
SANEF open house discussion on media freedom threats

"This is probably the most precarious moment for media freedom in the life of our constitutional democracy. Your participation in this discussion is therefore crucial," states Femida Mehtar, SANEF executive director.

Venue: Avusa House Auditorium
Address: 4 Bierman Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg
Date: Wednesday 4 August
Time: 9.30pm

Regional events will be forwarded to members when finalised.

RSVP to the SANEF office on tel +27 (0)11 484 3630, email az.gro.fenas@nimda or SMS cell +27 (0)84 784 2006. requests the use of Twitter hashtag #ZAmediafreedom for live tweets, so that non-attendees may follow on Twitter.

For more:

Last updated at 11.29am on 3 August 2010.

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