Lions and ANA invite professionals to address 5 creative industry issues

This year Lions and the ANA are inviting professionals from both agencies and brands to join its Global CMO Growth Councils, with a focus on the five most pressing issues worldwide, as identified by Lions and ANA research.
Source: © Lions
Source: © Lions Lions

This will transform the CMO Growth Council into the industry’s first and only truly global leadership community united around a common agenda.

“In total, we'll be forming five distinct committees of 25-30 entrepreneurial, visionary people to tackle some of the world’s – and creative industry’s – most pressing problems,” says the Lions.

The councils will prioritise five global challenges:

  • Sustainability

  • Diversity, equity andiInclusion

  • Data and technology

  • Brand creativity and effectiveness

  • Talent

There are five spaces available on each Council.

New perspectives and insights

“We’re seeking industry professionals who can bring new perspectives and insights, and accelerate the pace of progress at a greater scale as part of a global community,” says Lions.

This is a minimum of a year-long commitment and you will have a chance to contribute directly to the changes in the industry needs most.

Council forums will take place across the week of Cannes Lions, with inaugural meetings of the new teams on 22 and 23 June, followed by virtual and in-person meetings across the year to make progress on the industry’s growth and progress agenda agreed upon in Cannes.

Find out more here.

Apply here.

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