Make it happen!

Third year student at the University of Cape Town seeking sponsorship to produce film production.

I am a third year student at the University of Cape Town and am studying film production. Our assignment for our final film project is to produce a 10 minute film. My group has settled on the idea of producing a 10-minute documentary of how hair politics play a role in society. We will be focusing on two individuals who have dreadlocked their hair and tell their story of how they have been ostracized as a result of this. We are also lucky enough to have our project supervised by the well-known South African documentary filmmaker, Francois Verster.

As we are students, without any financial support for this film and are not able to fly from Cape Town to Joburg to interview and document our principal character. We are appealing to anyone who would be able to help us in our mission. As students, we are forced to make small amounts of money stretch so any contribution from you would be greatly appreciated in order to achieve our final goal before we graduate at the end of this year.

I appreciate your time to read this and do look forward to hearing from you.

Contact name : Amy Daneel - Producer
Telephone number : +27 72 432 6050
Email address :

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