SANEF praises court's M&G ruling

The South African National Editors' Forum (SANEF) has welcomed the rejection by the Johannesburg High Court of the attempt by the National Director of Public Prosecutions to prevent the Mail & Guardian from publishing various articles end of last week concerning police national commissioner Jackie Selebi's relationship with Glenn Agliotti, who is accused of murdering Brett Kebble.

SANEF finds it is particularly significant that Judge Hilton Epstein's ruling emphasised that the public has a right to be informed of matters that affect their lives. According to the statement issued to the press, "Judge Epstein's ruling is a perfect example of an independent judiciary, affirming of the right of journalists and our robust and independent media to hold the high and mighty accountable in the public's interest."

SANEF has also noted that the judge ruled that the directorate had failed to show how publication by the Mail & Guardian of its information would compromise its investigations into an organised crime network. This important finding by the judge applies to this one instance. However, reads the press statement, it indicates that the wild allegations that the Scorpions and others direct against the media that there is interference in police investigations, have no basis in fact.

The statement continues by saying it is unfortunate that the National Director of Public Prosecutions managed to unnecessarily disrupt the publication of a newspaper, causing it considerable loss and harm.

"However, the Mail & Guardian can take comfort in the fact that it has, yet again, struck a blow for press freedom and for freedom of expression as enshrined in our constitution."

Click here to read the Mail & Guardian's story on the State failing to gag its publication on Thursday, 30 November 2006.

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