Sunday Times to show off food

Newspaper Sunday Times is set to host a new food show that will take place at the Sandton Convention Centre, 5 - 8 July 2007. "We at Sunday Times are thrilled to be launching this exciting event in partnership with BBC Food and DStv," says Johncom Media Investments GM marketing, Susan Russell.

"We believe the Food Show is a natural extension of the Sunday Times brand, given the enormous popularity of all things culinary among South Africans, but particularly among the more than two-million readers of our Lifestyle and Travel and Food supplements. Our research shows us that they love food - and wine! - and they enjoy exploring new trends," continues Russell.

Exhibitions company Exhibitions for Africa has been tasked with organising the event. With a floor plan spanning two exhibition halls on separate levels, the Sunday Times Food Show is designed to showcase wide variety of culinary interests including kids food, South African and international regional specialities, kitchen gadgets and beverages.

Learn practical skills

The four-day eating experience offers the public the chance to explore the best South Africa has to offer in terms of fresh food produce, products and talent. With a selection of workshops and demonstrations, amateur cooks will be able to learn practical skills from chefs and food experts who are setting new standards across South Africa and beyond.

"Sunday Times is also very excited to have the opportunity to host two international celebrity chefs, courtesy of BBC Food and DStv," Russell says. "Although the names of the international chefs who will take part in the Sunday Times Food Show have yet to be confirmed, both will be familiar to South Africans through DStv's BBC Food channel."


Sunday Times will also be hosting a celebrity charity event aimed at raising funds for developing South African chefs. This event will culminate in three awards - Best Chef, Best Junior Chef and the Great Taste Award. The last of these is aimed at promoting local products and the use of authentic ingredients and original recipes.

To ensure a diverse and compelling programme of events for the show, Sunday Times has convened a Food Council made up of more than two dozen food fundis with a broad collective knowledge of the South African and international culinary landscape. Chaired by food columnist, broadcaster and restaurant critic Gwynne Conlyn, the Food Council will also assist with setting the criteria for the three awards.

Culinary calendar

"We see this show as an important addition to South Africa's culinary calendar, and believe that with the marketing muscle of Sunday Times and its associated titles in the Johncom stable, including Sowetan, Sunday World, and Elle Décor, combined with the partnership with BBC Food and DStv, the Food Show has the potential to become South Africa's premier culinary event," concluded Russell.

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