Managing brands in turbulent times - poll 2001

Marketing professionals around the world can now go online to express their opinions about the market downturn of 2001, the impact on technology brands and best practices for revival. Participants will be eligible to receive early results of the study.

Technology marketers have had to face challenges of unequalled proportions in order to maintain brand equity and loyalty, as brands have had to address fundamental issues about confidence and trust with audiences that include investors, employees, partners and customers.

The poll invites your viewpoint on

  • brand sustainability during turbulent times
  • the best path to brand recovery
  • the impact of leadership on brand perceptions and value
  • brand renovation and refurbishing needs following the implosion of technology markets in 2001.

The Bruised & Battered Brands Poll runs online until November 30 at

Source: Business 2.0

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