Operators in final RICA push

The deadline for consumers to comply with South Africa's SIM card registration law is 30 June 2011 and, according to communications minister Roy Padayachie, no extension will be granted. This comes after the original deadline of 31 December 2010 was extended by six months following complaints from operators to the department of justice that they needed more time to complete the process.

Registration of SIM cards is required under the clumsily named Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of Communication-Related Information Act.

Most operators say they have made good progress in getting their customers to comply with the legislation, which is meant to help in the fight against crime.

Cell C says that more than 94% of its subscribers have already completed the process. Spokesman Sean van der Westhuizen says Cell C has invested "a significant amount already in marketing campaigns to encourage customers to register".

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