Mediatech 2015 set for July

The eighth biennial advanced media and entertainment technology trade show, Mediatech Africa, is set for 15-17 July 2015 at the Dome at Northgate, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Mediatech 2015 set for July

Mediatech is Africa's premier trade show in this arena and many exhibitors in the live entertainment technology, AV systems integration, broadcast, film, production, post-production, animation and new media, studio and recording and pro DJ equipment sectors will have their wares on display. This creates an open platform to showcase new products and technologies and sets the stage for effective networking.

Mediatech Africa 2013 saw a total of 6935 visitors walk through the door over three days including 424 foreign visitors of which 197 were from the African continent. 136 companies exhibited in total, collectively representing just short of 700 brands. Of these visitors, 37% were decision makers in their respective companies while 19% filled senior management positions. That being said, 49% of visitors had power of purchase while 30% had influence of purchase.

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