Extra water from Katse Dam released

PRETORIA: The Water and Sanitation Department says the release of extra water from the Katse Dam in Lesotho will bolster water supply and relieve the impact of the current drought.
By Amada44 (Own work) [Public domain], via
By Amada44 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Margaret-Ann Diedricks, Water and Sanitation Director General, last week authorised the release of extra water from the Katse Dam.

The flow of the 10-Cumec started on Thursday, 24 December, and it is expected to take ten days to reach the abstraction point in Aliwal North, covering a distance of about 530km.

Diedricks said while the water will be flowing, there will be constant monitoring to assist in the decision to either increase or decrease the flow.

"This will also inform the decision to engage other relevant departments to ensure that all those in the downstream areas are not taken by surprise when more water is received than has been available lately. It is important to ensure that no fatalities or destruction of property occur," said Diedricks.

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