A good year for Namibia's Namport

With growing trade volumes, the Namibian Port Authority (Namport) is planning a major expansion of its facilities and preparing itself to exploit the opportunities the African west coast offers, Allafrica.com reports.

According to Namport's chief executive officer Bisey Uirab, Namport controls marine traffic in and out of Namibia from - and to - the rest of the world, notably the rest of the African continent along the west coast through ports in Walvis Bay and, to a lesser degree Lüderitz.

Only 20 per cent of the cargo handled at the country's various ports is meant for Namibia, Uirab explained. "Another 20 per cent goes [...] by land to our neighbouring SADC countries - Angola, Zambia, DRC, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and to some extent South Africa as well." 60% of the volumes are handled as 'transshipment cargo', where "big vessels bringing containers from other countries [in] Asia and Europe, which are reorganised at the port and then taken by smaller vessels to other ports," he said.

According to Allafrica.com, Namport has seen a steady increase in trade volumes, with about 5,5 million tonnes coming in and out of the ports. "In terms of the growth in revenue, we experienced a good year," Uirab concluded.

Read the full article on http://allafrica.com.

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