New gallery Raw Vision opens in Cape Town

A new gallery, Raw Vision, opens this Thursday April 16 with the exhibition Messages from the Future by Mike Fisher. Situated right in the heart of Cape Town' s newly defined gallery-hub in St Lowry Rd, Raw Vision is Mike Fisher' s first Cape Town venture, though work by this prolific artist, collector and cultural producer has been seen as far afield as London, Israel and the United States of America.

Raw Vision is proud to open with Fisher's own Messages from the Future, an exhibition of affectingly colourful digital prints, exploring the artist' s own emotional response to notions of the manic everyday of both present and future.

Taking influence from the semiotics of primitivism and Modernist abstraction, Fisher presents a frenzied montage of optimistic reflections and dystopic visions, warnings and prophecies about the futures of the artist' s imagination. Using images and symbols that are at once easily recognizable, and yet elusively free of predetermined meaning, Fisher's prints are always intriguingly open to interpretation.

The images on Messages from the Future are created using state of the art digital painting technology, working directly onto a Cintiq computer screen as if onto paper or canvas, and taking advantage of the pure pigment of contemporary digital prints. Fisher's unique combination of up-to-the-minute technology and heartfelt imagery presents visions of the future that should not be missed.

Raw Vision Gallery
89 Sir Lowry Road

E-mail: for more information.
Tel: 076 581 9468

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