New president for Honda Motor Southern Africa

Toshiaki Konaka became president for Honda Motor Southern Africa from April 2016, replacing Yoshiaki Nakamura who has retired after eight years in the role.

Joining Honda in 1984, Konaka has held a number of senior automotive and sales roles. Of his 32 years with the company, 16 years were spent at Honda's European operations, including heading up Honda Spain and Honda Poland, as well as stints in Germany and the UK.

In his most recent position as pan-European director for passenger cars, Konaka was responsible for developing and implementing Honda's pan-European strategy - a task he performed for the past six years. His experience while in Europe also extends to Honda motorcycles, in his position held as president of Honda Poland.

Honda Motor Southern Africa operations director, Graham Eagle has been promoted to vice president and will support Konaka as he makes the transition into the new position.

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